
2025 Feb 17 12:39:01
Wasiq: food

2024 Sep 09 01:15:41
Oldiesmann: No it isn't at the moment. I want to make it active but haven't had a lot of time

2024 Mar 19 08:51:17
Axxeager: Is this forum active? The last post was in 2023 and the messages here in 2022

2022 May 14 23:59:42
Oldiesmann: They're coming to this part of the country in July. Might have to take the night off work to go see them.

2022 May 14 07:54:02
ISTANDTRUE: I saw Stryper again last night. They still got. Put on an amazing show!

Verse of the Day

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” -Romans 8:28 Listen to chapter

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«ДИЗАЙН ЧЕЛОВЕКА Абовян  ». Консультация Дизайн Человека(Human Design) Абовян  .   Абовян  Дизайн человека
-Таланты, сильные стороны
-Финансы и профессиональная реализация
-Рекомендации по здоровью
-Характер,таланты, сильные стороны
-Личные качества
-Ключевые особенности характера
-Ядро личности
-Ядро личности
-От чего зависит самооценка
Абовян  Дизайн человека
3. Действие
Тройная определенность Один из 4 видов возможной определенности в Бодиграфе. Тройная определенность не частое явление. В конфигурации Бодиграфа это выглядит как три определенности, несвязанные между собой. Самый трудный аспект для такого типа определенности — это время, которое требуется для принятия целостного решения.
Центры давления Существуют два центра давления — Теменной (самый верхний центр в Бодиграфе) и Корневой (самый нижний центр в Бодиграфе). Это ментальное и физическое давление соответственно.
Магнитный Монополь Магнитный монополь наравне с нейтрино и Кристаллами Личности/Дизайна является первичным инструментом Майи. ММ сидит в районе грудной клетки в Джи центре. Он — водитель транспортного средства, обладающий двумя функциями. Так как это 'моно'поль, то он способен лишь притягивать. Это то, что удерживает нас цельными в иллюзии разделенности. В качестве водителя он везет нас по траектории нашей геометрии, определенной фрактальными линиями, которые соединяют нас со вселенной. Физическое открытие ММ помогло бы ответить на вопросы о гравитации и массе.
Контуры Организуют и визуально показывают поток энергии в Бодиграфе. Всего существует 6 контуров в 3 основных группах контуров плюс Система Интеграции. Схема представляющая то, как мы соединяемся и работаем друг с другом.
Пребывание на крыше Термин для людей с 6-й линией в профиле. Фаза пребывания на крыше продолжается от возврата Сатурна до возврата Кирона. Эта фаза представляет собой отказ от субъективности и встречу с объективным.
Новый уранический цикл состоит примерно из 3 сатурнианских циклов. Сатурн будет продолжать программировать тему ограничения, но не в смысле целой жизни, а лишь в качестве внутреннего цикла развития человека. В 6-й линии профиля первый сатурнианский цикл (около 30 лет) олицетворяет период проб и ошибок, который служит лишь подготовкой к этапу совершенно иного процесса наблюдения и невовлеченности. Сатурн больше не управляет жизнью, но его тема всё еще может быть некомфортной для проживания, если вы не движетесь из своего типа и его стратегии.
Сознание пассажира Здоровый функциональный потенциал Кристалла Личности. Сдавшееся самоотражающее сознание, свидетельствующее жизнь с пассажирского сиденья «транспортного средства».
Дуальность — сфера Юпитера
Джакстапозиция в фиксации Ситуация, в которой и экзальтация, и падение в определенной линии установлены и акцентированы. Обозначается звездой.
Эрон Согласно Рэйв Космологии следующая форма сознания, появление которой последует за уничтожением жизни на Земле в конце раунда.
Контур Защиты Малый племенной контур. Он воплощает генетический императив для поддержания репродукции и вскармливания.
Фиксированность В Рэйв-И-Цзин линии классифицируются полярностями (существует и несколько видов тройственности). Каждая полярность соотносится либо с Солнцем, либо с одной из планет. Когда транзитный объект (например, Меркурий) активирует линию и линия относится к этому же объекту, тогда этот аспект фиксируется, а другой аспект «засыпает». Часто говорят: «Они видят худшее во мне». Каждый индивидуал может иметь аспекты в своем Дизайне, которые могут всегда фиксироваться определенным человеком как экзальтация либо падение линии.
Большой Взрыв В терминах Системы Дизайна Человека — это момент зачатия Вселенной, соединения оригинального Инь (Яйцо) и оригинального Ян (Семя), инициирующего расширение (рост) Вселенной. На языке «Голоса» — зачатие «ребенка», который еще не родился.
Индивидуальный контур Один из трех основных групп контуров в Бодиграфе. Ключ — усиление; вдохновение интуитивным знанием, которое возникает в моменте.
Чакровая система Один из компонентов синтеза Дизайна Человека. 7 энергетических центров, знания о которых применяются в течение многих столетий на Востоке для обозначения связи энергетического тела с физическим, связи науки и эзотерики. В 1781 люди начали развиваться в наши сегодняшние 9-центровые формы.
1. Безопасность
Информирование Информирование — это стратегия Манифестора. Приносит покой в их жизнь.
Мутация Изменение, трансформация. Относится к качеству Индивидуальных контуров. Без мутации невозможно выживание и эволюция.
Эндокринные железы Эндокринная система занимает важное место в синтезе Бодиграфа. Железы являются биологическими инструментами, которые соотносятся с центрами.
Форматные каналы:
Ожидание Для большинства человечества, ожидание — это ключ. Если вы входите в 70% генераторов или в 50% эмоционалов, или же вы Проектор или Рефлектор, ваше здоровье, целостность и реализация цели зависят от способности ждать. Для них не к чему торопиться. В программе существует совершенный тайминг. Большое духовное вознаграждение для тех, кто ждёт корректности — это чудо и радость, которую обязательно принесет жизнь.
Я Без пробуждения «Я» всегда пребывает в дуальности и борьбе между истинной природой и Ложным Я, обучаясь или обуславливаясь. «Я» может быть прожито только как дифференцированная (отличающаяся) уникальность.
Горло То же, что и Горловой центр.
Абовян  Дизайн человека (Human design)
Дизайн человека: Соль-Илецк Новодвинск Елабуга Талин Худжанд Новосибирск Вязьма Пикалево ?осшы Аксай С?тбаев Оренбург Калязин Зеленогорск Горки Пяндж Экибастуз Пустошка Самара Олекминск Феодосия Волковыск ?аратау Пущино Сальян Алматы Армянськ Новочеркасск Гах Нижний Тагил Шахтинск Исилькуль Оленегорск-1 Колпино Котовск Инта Богородск Басарабяска Нягань Т?ркістан Орхей 
Абовян  Дизайн человека
Абовян  Дизайн человека
Абовян  Дизайн человека
Абовян  Дизайн человека
Абовян  Дизайн человека
Абовян  Дизайн человека
Дизайн человека Абовян
Дизайн человека Абовян
Дизайн человека Абовян
Дизайн человека Абовян
Дизайн человека Абовян
Дизайн человека Абовян
Дизайн человека Абовян
Дизайн человека Абовян
Дизайн человека Абовян
Дизайн человека Абовян
Дизайн человека Абовян
Дизайн человека Абовян
Дизайн человека Абовян
Дизайн человека Абовян
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Дизайн человека Абовян

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After activating your What to Do After Activating Your UnitedHealthcare Card?, it is advisable to establish your online account, download the UHC app, review your benefits, and locate in-network healthcare providers. Staying updated on your coverage is crucial for maximizing the advantages of your health insurance.
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To access your Cigna health benefits, you must activate your account by visiting the How to Activate Your Cigna Member Account? portal, entering your member ID along with your personal information, and following the activation instructions.
Activating your Cigna member portal enables you to manage claims, review your coverage, and access various healthcare resources. Simply visit the How to Activate Your Cigna Member Portal?input your information, and complete the verification process.

Filing your 2024 taxes using How to File Your 2024 Taxes with FreeTaxUSA? is both straightforward and cost-effective. To begin, create an account at, input your tax details, and allow the software to assist you throughout the filing process. FreeTaxUSA offers complimentary federal filing and affordable state tax filing options. Additionally, it features integrated accuracy checks and IRS-approved e-filing capabilities to facilitate a smooth submission of your tax return.
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FreeTaxUSA simplifies the process of claiming tax credits. During the filing process, the software automatically identifies qualifying credits, including the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child Tax Credit, and Education Credits. By responding accurately to the questions presented, you can optimize your refund while adhering to IRS regulations. Furthermore, How Do I Handle Tax Credits with FreeTaxUSA for 2024? offers detailed explanations for each credit to clarify eligibility requirements.
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To activate your MGM+ account, please go to How Do I Activate My MGM+ Account via using a web browser. Enter the activation code that appears on your television screen and log in with your MGM+ account details. After activation, you will be able to stream movies and shows on various devices. Ensure that you possess a valid subscription to maintain uninterrupted access.
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To activate your How to Activate Your JCPenney Card Using the Synchrony Bank App? card, log in to the Synchrony Bank app, select "Activate a Card," input your card information, and adhere to the provided instructions to finalize the activation.
In the event that How to Fix Not Loading on Your Browser? is unresponsive, try clearing your browser cache, disabling any extensions, updating your browser, or accessing the site from a different device or network.
Access How to Activate Your UHC Card enter your card information, and follow the prompts to activate and utilize your UHC health benefits.
To activate your health benefits and access covered services, visit input your UHC card information, and follow the outlined instructions.

Ready to use your new Lowe's card? Activate your new Lowe's card via Lowes activate blog walks you through the process to activate your new Lowe's card via, ensuring you can quickly access your credit line and start shopping for home improvement essentials.
Since Lowe's credit cards are issued by Synchrony Bank, activation is done through their secure platform. How to Activate Your Lowe's Card Online via Synchrony Bank blog explains how to activate your Lowe's card online via Synchrony Bank, helping you complete the process effortlessly while ensuring account security.

If you've just purchased a Vizio Smart TV and want to connect it to Wi-Fi, this guide will help you get started. How Do I Connect My Vizio TV to Wi-Fi Through It covers step-by-step instructions on accessing network settings, entering your Wi-Fi credentials, and troubleshooting any connection issues to ensure a seamless setup.
Activating your Vizio SmartCast TV unlocks its full potential, giving you access to apps, streaming services, and more. How to Use to Activate Your Vizio SmartCast TV? This How to Use to Activate Your Vizio SmartCast TV? blog walks you through the activation process, including entering the setup code on the website and linking your device to your Vizio account.
Enhance your entertainment setup by connecting external devices like soundbars, gaming consoles, or streaming devices to your Vizio TV. How to Connect External Devices (Soundbar, Game Console, etc.) to Your Vizio TV? This guide explains the different input options available, such as HDMI, optical audio, and Bluetooth, to ensure the best audio and video experience.
To fully enjoy high-quality visuals on your Vizio TV, you need to enable 4K HDR settings. How to Enable 4K HDR on Your Vizio TV for the Best Viewing Experience? This blog provides instructions on adjusting picture settings, ensuring HDR compatibility, and making the most of your TV's advanced display technology.

Accessing your Cigna healthcare benefits online starts with account activation. How to Register and Activate Your Cigna Account? This article guides you through the registration process, account verification, and activation steps so you can easily manage your health plan, view claims, and access important information.
New to Cigna? How to Create and Activate Your Cigna Account? This guide explains how to sign up, verify your details, and activate your account for seamless access to healthcare resources, policy details, and online services.
For Cigna members looking to take control of their health benefits, How to Activate Your Cigna Member Account? provides a step-by-step activation guide. Learn how to set up your account, log in for the first time, and explore the features available on Cigna's online platform.
Managing your health benefits online starts with setting up your account. How to Set Up Your Cigna Online Member Account?This blog covers how to create a secure login, link your insurance details, and navigate the online portal for a smooth experience.
Need to access your Cigna health plan online? How to Activate Your Cigna Health Account Online? walks you through the activation process, ensuring you can quickly manage your policy, claims, and benefits from your computer or mobile device.

If you want to watch ESPN on different devices, you may wonder, Can I activate ESPN on multiple devices using ESPN activate? This blog explains how ESPN activation works, device limits, and how to link multiple devices with your ESPN account.
Want to stream ESPN Live? Steps to Activate ESPN Live TV on Your Device, linking your TV provider, and enjoying live sports and shows on ESPN.
Setting up a streaming or cable service on your TV-connected device requires activation. How do you activate your TV-connected device? This guide covers general activation steps for smart TVs, streaming sticks, and set-top boxes.

Before using your JCPenney credit card, you might need to activate it. How do I know if my JCPenney card requires activation? This blog helps you check if activation is required and provides steps to complete the process.
If you're having trouble activating your card, How do I contact customer support if I face issues with card activation?provides details on how to reach customer service, troubleshoot issues, and get your card activated quickly.
Need help with a PayPal issue? How Do I Contact PayPal Customer Service for Quick Support? outlines different ways to reach PayPal's support team, including phone, chat, and email options.
Want to enjoy MGM+ shows and movies? How Do I Activate My MGM+ Account via walks you through entering your activation code and linking your subscription to start streaming.

To access BET's exclusive content on your device, How Do I Activate on My Streaming Device? explains how to activate the app using the official BET activation site.
Activating BET on your device requires entering a code. How Do I Enter the Activation Code for guides you through the process so you can start streaming BET shows without hassle.

A highly sought-after and valued coffee, blue mountain coffee is renowned for its smooth texture, subtle flavor, and absence of bitterness. It is grown in Jamaica's Blue Mountains, which offer the perfect environment and altitude for coffee growing.
A highly sought-after and valued coffee, blue mountain coffee is renowned for its smooth texture, subtle flavor, and absence of bitterness. It is grown in Jamaica's Blue Mountains, which offer the perfect environment and altitude for coffee growing.
A highly sought-after and valued coffee, jamaica blue mountain coffee is renowned for its smooth texture, subtle flavor, and absence of bitterness. It is grown in Jamaica's Blue Mountains, which offer the perfect environment and altitude for coffee growing.
Grown in Jamaica's Blue Mountains, blue mountain coffee is a highly prized and premium kind of coffee. Reputably smooth, mildly flavorful, and low in bitterness, this coffee ranks among the world's most expensive and special varieties. Its specific flavor profile is influenced by the Blue Mountains' particular environment and soil. Because the coffee is grown at high altitudes, the coffee cherries grow more slowly, resulting in the development of more complex flavors.
A highly sought-after and valued coffee, blue mountain coffeee is renowned for its smooth texture, subtle flavor, and absence of bitterness. It is grown in Jamaica's Blue Mountains, which offer the perfect environment and altitude for coffee growing.
Renowned blue mountain coffee is cultivated in jamaica blue mountain coffee. It is regarded as one of the most expensive and sought-after coffees in the world because of its mild, smooth flavor and absence of bitterness.

Activating your Lowe's Synchrony Credit Card is a simple process that ensures you can start using your card for purchases and benefits right away. In this guide, we walk you through the steps to activate your card via, whether you're doing it online or over the phone.
Lowe's values customer feedback and offers a survey to help improve its services. In Completing the Customer Survey: A Step-by-Step Guide, we explain how to take part in the survey, what information you'll need, and the rewards or sweepstakes entries you might receive for your participation.
If you've just received a Lowe's Synchrony Credit Card, you'll need to activate it before making purchases. Our Step-by-Step Guide to Activating Your Lowe's Synchrony Credit Card will walk you through the activation process, including the different methods available, from online activation to phone assistance.
Managing your Lowe's credit card account has never been easier with the eService portal. In Lowe's eService Login: A Guide to Managing Your Account Online, we explain how to access your account, make payments, check your balance, and set up alerts for due dates.

Activate Your UHC Card Online – Learn How to Activate Your UHC Card Online. Our step-by-step guide ensures a hassle-free activation process so you can access your healthcare benefits without delays. Get started today and enjoy seamless healthcare services! – Activation & Download Guide Visit and follow our simple instructions to get started. This guide walks you through activation and downloading resources to maximize your benefits. Stay covered and informed with UHC!
How to Activate Your Account at – Unlock your UHC benefits by activating your account online at Our guide provides a step-by-step process to help you quickly set up your account. Access your healthcare benefits with ease today!
UHC UCard Activation & Setup GuideActivating Your UCard at - Activate UHC Card Online – Don't let activation delays keep you from your benefits! Follow our detailed guide at to activate your UHC UCard. Get access to medical, pharmacy, and rewards benefits in just a few clicks!

If you're looking to enjoy BET or BET Plus on your streaming device, Activate BET Plus on Roku, Apple TV, or Amazon Fire TV guide will walk you through the activation process. Learn how to activate BET & BET Plus on Roku, Apple TV, or Amazon Fire TV, so you can access exclusive shows, movies, and live programming.
Activating your JCPenney credit card is an essential step to start using it for purchases and rewards. How to Activate BET & BET Plus guide explains how to activate your JCPenney credit card, whether online or by phone, so you can shop with ease and enjoy the benefits.
Running into an invalid activation code error when trying to activate your JCPenney credit card? This guide covers How to Activate Your JCPenney Credit Card?, offering troubleshooting tips and solutions to ensure a smooth activation process.
How to Resolve an Invalid Activation Code Error on Running into an invalid activation code error when trying to activate your JCPenney credit card? This guide covers how to resolve an invalid activation code error on,

Want to watch live sports and exclusive ESPN content on your big screen? How to Activate ESPN on Your TV? guide explains how to activate ESPN on your TV, providing step-by-step instructions for connecting and activating the app on various smart TVs and streaming devices.
If you're a Roku user, setting up ESPN is quick and easy. This How to Activate ESPN on Your Roku TV?n just a few simple steps.
Activating your health coverage with Cigna is an important step to ensure you can access medical services when needed. How to Activate Coverage with Cigna? guide walks you through how to activate coverage with Cigna, helping you verify your enrollment and get started with your health benefits.
Managing your health insurance is easier when you have online access. How to Set Up Your Cigna Online Account? guide explains how to set up your Cigna online account, so you can check your coverage, track claims, find doctors, and handle your health benefits conveniently.